
Monday, April 15, 2013

Please Wait for the Facts to Emerge

Kingston, RI, 11:30 PM: Boston Police Commissioner, Ed Davis, has said there are no suspects in custody at this time, contary to rumors that a Saudi naitonal has been apprehended. And while the White House has labeled this incident an 'act of terror', FBI investigator Richard DesLauriers used more measured language saying, "it [the attack] is a criminal investigations that is a potential terrorist investigation." 
Please wait for the facts to emerge before hysteria informas your anti-Islamic anger. Information shared with the public thus far is not consistent with an 'act of terror', as the U.S. public understands that phrase. A 13-second delay between the two explosions, located hundreds of feed down the road from one another, indicates a time-triggered device, neither a suicide attack nor a remotely controlled explosion. Two unexploded devices were found farther up Boylston stree, and were subsequently disarmed. That's a 50% success rate. 
The explosions erupted three hours after the Marathon's winner had crossed the finished line; the winner's crossing of the finish line being the window of highest televised publicity. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, contrary to the usual practice of foreign terrorist organizations, except for the Iranians. The devices were pipe bombs and used a small number of ball-bearing objects as shrapnel, again, an inconsistentcy with past terrorist attacks. 
Next press conference is tomorrow morning at 9:30 AM 

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